Frequently Asked Questions
I already use spa / salon management software, why should I use Spa Ninja SSSMS?
In 4 words, REAL-TIME BOOKING CONFIRMATION. It’s in our DNA, it’s our raison d’etre, it’s why Spa Ninja exists. We are passionate about ensuring your customers have 24/7 access to booking a treatment or online class at your outlet. We want you to start your day with a full calendar.
I can organise my small classes by email & WhatsApp why should I use Classes by Spa Ninja?
Key reasons include:
- The software allows you to focus your time on generating income, not on personal admin;
- You can take bookings 24/7;
- Your customers have real-time booking confirmation;
- Financial reporting is easier; and
- You have the security of a credit card guarantee to avoid no-shows.
How much does it cost?
The software is free until 1 June 2020. After that there are currently 2 options:
- pay US$ 50 per month or
- pay US$ 500 and enjoy 12 months for the price of 10.
Send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to arrange a demo and to discuss payment options.
How long is my free trial?
During the Covid-19 pandemic we want to eliminate any additional financial burden so the SSSM software is free. During this time you can test the system to ensure that it makes operating your salon, spa or studio (& virtual studio) easier.
Why do I provide my credit card details upfront, when will I get charged?
You will only get charged after your free trial ends. If you do not wish to continue using the system, just send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to let us know and we will be sad, but we will turn off Spa Ninja immediately at no charge to you.
How can I cancel my free trial?
If you do not wish to continue using the system, just send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to let us know and we will be sad, but we will turn it off for you at no cost.
Can I customise the system for my business?
Absolutely, you have 100% flexibility. You input the online class schedule, the treatments, the trainers, the therapists, the descriptions, the images, everything. We are there to help, to ensure you maximise the potential of the system.
Can I use it to generate regular performance and revenue reports?
Again, absolutely. There are a myriad of pre-set reports covering the volume of treatments, the type of treatments, revenue generated, staff productivity, bookings volume, etc. If we have missed a report, we are happy to talk about customised reporting, just contact us at hello@spaninja.co for more details.
What is cloud-based software?
Cloud-based software refers to application-based software infrastructure that stores data on remote servers, not on your desktop, laptop or mobile. The booking form, widget or Yosiwa app enables a user to access data stored in the cloud using an internet browser or a cloud computing software.
Can I use your online booking button on my website?
YES!!! It is very easy to embed a Spa Ninja or Classes by Spa Ninja booking button on your website or Google business page. You can also work with us to create a brand-new website.
Can I use your online booking button on my Facebook page?
YES again!! It is simple to embed a Spa Ninja or Classes by Spa Ninja booking button on your socials such as Facebook, Instagram etc to start taking real-time bookings, 24/7.
What does it cost to use the online booking button?
There is absolutely NO commission paid on bookings made by your staff through telephone or email OR for online classes provided free of charge.
Commission is only paid on bookings made through Yosiwa and through booking button reservations IF you are also generating revenue. Send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to arrange a demo and to discuss commission amounts.
What or who is Yosiwa?
Yosiwa is your online wellness assistant, the front-end (app and web) for the Spa Ninja SSSMS. It is an interface through which consumers can book treatments or online classes: https://www.yosiwa.co/
Do booking button customers pay in advance?
No payments are taken in advance. Reservations made through Yosiwa & the Spa Ninja or Classes by Spa Ninja booking buttons take credit card details to safeguard you against no-shows or late cancellations. In addition, you customise the cancellation policy and you trigger all payments for no-shows.
Spa, Salon & Studio: You charge the customer as per your usual practice.
Virtual Studio (Online Classes): The customer triggers the payment when they “Join” the class. In this instance, we will remit the amount to you.
Send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to arrange a demo and to discuss commission amounts.
Is the software easy to use?
We believe that the Spa Ninja software is very easy to use and entirely customisable, your descriptions, your photos. Send us an email at hello@spaninja.co to arrange a demo and see for yourself.
Is my data and my customer’s data safe?
Yes. Spa Ninja software uses firewall and encryption technology to prevent unauthorised third-party access to our computer systems storing your account and guest information.
Where are credit card details stored?
Our partner for all credit card payments is Stripe and no payment information is retained by Spa Ninja. Check them out: https://stripe.com/about