4 Ways to Make Even More Money Through Online Bookings
Even today, in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), people still have a lot of mixed feelings about online booking strategy. Some people find it very helpful when it comes to adding revenue to their business, some people lose faith in online booking because they’ve tried it and failed. But whatever their personal feeling towards online booking, the fact is that more and more people are buying and booking things online.
Is yours failing? The reason why your online booking strategy is failing is that you, as are most people, are unfamiliar with the steps needed to be taken to complement your online booking strategy. But fret not, because these steps are fairly simple and easy to implement.
Here are 4 ways you can create substantial revenue for your business through online booking.
Say you already have an online booking button or link on your website. But it actually doesn’t connect to anything. Or, it is simply a form that sends a booking request to your email address. This means before you can convert this potential customer into a paying one, you still have many other steps that you still have to go through: you have to reply back to them with your availability information, they have to get back to you again, and even after that, there is still no guarantee that it is a confirmed.
If you want to have an online booking button or link, that booking button or link needs to be connected with the software or tool that you use to manage your operations: staff schedules, bookings, etc, so that your customer can get instant confirmation for their spa treatment or salon appointment.
Also, it is always easier for your customer if you have one centralised link for bookings. Is the link on your Instagram lead to the same place the link on your Facebook goes to? Everything within your social media platform should lead to one centralised booking system.
Make sure your online booking button is highly visible. In some cases, businesses place their online booking button somewhere that is not easy to be found by their customers. The reason for this could simply be because they have been badly advised by their web designer just because the designer thinks a booking button will make the website looks “uglier”.
Keep in mind your online booking button is a vital Call to Action for your customers. They’ve been swayed by all of your amazing spa treatment offers, and they are ready to purchase, but if your booking button is hidden, they will lose interest and change their mind.
Therefore, show you booking button as visibly as possible on your social media platforms and website, so it is easy for people to book: have a booking button visible on every page of your website, have a booking button on your Instagram profile, on your Facebook page or on any other place you promote your business in.
As people browse for your business and surf around your website, be sure to provide prices, preferable right next to the details of the spa or salon products and services that you offer. Whenever possible, make it easy for your potential customers to find out the prices of the products or services they want to buy or book from your spa or salon. Let them know if you’re running a promotion, show them how much less they’re going to pay for a particular massage treatment if they book it now. Show them that they’re gaining more value from getting a discount. Make it urgent.
Most of the time, people fail in implementing their online booking strategy because they don’t have enough time and the proper knowledge to manage online booking on their own. In this case you, the solution is as easy as picking a partner that offers an online booking platform that you can use for your business.
Spa Ninja Spa, Salon and Studio Management Software (SSSMS) offers a built-in online booking button that you can attach to your website and social media platforms. This online booking button is connected to your staff and booking schedules, which means your potential customers will get an instant booking confirmation. You don’t have to do anything. Everything is done for you. All you have to do it to market your website and social media platforms and everyone interested will be able to book directly to you. Wat to know more? Contact us for a demo at hello@spaninja.co.
Image: Micheile Henderson